Are You Seeking The Courage to Make BIG Changes?   

To leave a toxic relationship?

Say goodbye to a toxic job or boss?

Make the leap and leave the corporate world to run your own business?

Re-discover life after suddenly finding yourself alone?

Wondering what to do now the birds have flown the nest?

Realising that life is flying by and there is so much more you want to do?
Then You're in the RIGHT PLACE!


I'm Tina and I Dare You to Grab Life By The Balls!

To travel more - solo if necessary!
To do things you've never done before!

To do things you've always wanted but been too afraid!

To chase bigger goals and have more success!

To go on more adventures and have more FUN!

Are You Seeking The Courage to Make BIG Changes?   

To leave a toxic relationship?

Say goodbye to a toxic job or boss?

Make the leap and leave the corporate world to run your own business?

Re-discover life after suddenly finding yourself alone?

Wondering what to do now the birds have flown the nest?

Realising that life is flying by and there is so much more you want to do?
Then You're in the RIGHT PLACE!


I'm Tina and I Dare You to Grab Life By The Balls!

To travel more - solo if necessary!
To do things you've never done before!

To do things you've always wanted but been too afraid!

To chase bigger goals and have more success!

To go on more adventures and have more FUN!

My mission is to help you find the COURAGE to....

simply get MORE out of life!

Atrévete! Dare Yourself!
 Grab Life By The Balls!

Life can get WAY too serious!  It's so easy to fall into the trap of work, work, work followed by chores and responsibilities and you forget to have fun!  And you lose yourself in the process.

Do you ever watch with envious eyes when people post great photos on Facebook and Instagram?  

Do you ever wish that YOUR life was more exciting?

I'm here to show you that you CAN have a great time in this adventure called life. 

You might not want to ride river rapids, you might not want to do anything extreme at all - and that's OK.  But what DO you want to do?

So many times I hear people saying they would love to do XYZ but they have nobody to do it with - or they don't have the confidence. 

I'm here to show you that you DO have the confidence and courage within - you simply have to access it.  And nobdody to go with?  No problem!  I will help you develop the courage and confidence to go anyway - by yourself!  And I guarantee you will make some great new friends along the way. 

Atrévete is a Spanish word that means "Dare Yourself" It´s a word that sums up my philosophy for how I live my life and has led me to my own way of ´living the dream´! I hope it inspires you too!

I will show you how to: 

  • Access your confidence and COURAGE to do whatever you want

  • Speak in public to promote your business

  • Start a new business

  • Change your career

  • Travel solo and have a great time

  • ​Speak a new language

  • Make BIG changes - perhaps leave a toxic or stale relationship or job

  • ​Take up a new hobby - maybe dancing, photograpy - whatever you want!

  • Hike in Mountains like me if that appeals to you (views are to die for!)

  • Grab Life By The Balls and Live Full Out!

Join the Courage to Conquer Facebook Group!